The odd couple are settling here and will be moving up to a bigger cage later when the Macaws are picked up which will give them a lot more room. In their last home I think they had 30x30 or maybe a 36x30 ish size cage and here they are currently in a 48x36 which is quite a bit bigger. They will be moving into the 60x30 Natural Inspiration Double. This cage is is in my bird room so all the birds will be together.
Yesterday Charlie went out on the deck for a while and enjoyed the sunshine. No worry about this guy flying off as his wings are barbered pretty good as is his tail.
Charlie is such a fun little guy. He is always moving and full of energy! He steps up for all of us but really seems to prefer Jen. We are hoping that the feather plucking diminishes with more toys, attention, and much needed space in the cage.
Kiki on the other hand has her favorite and that is Jamie. She will take a treat from me but that is it, but when Jamie walks in the room magic happens. She starts saying "Hello" and trying to move as close to Jamie as she can get. One of the goals for Kiki is to get her to forage and play with toys. I was really encouraged last night when I spotted her tearing into a box.