Become a Foster with PEARL
Interested in helping PEARL rehabilitate and rehome birds?
Become a foster family today! As an all volunteer run
organization, we rely on our dedicated foster families to
rehabilitate and care for the birds in our program. We are
always looking for loving, dedicated families to foster our
birds. We can only help as many birds as we have foster
homes for, and your service is very much appreciated.
So, are you ready to take on the challenge?
To become a foster, submit an application, consent to a
home check, and attend all of our education programing.
This includes Basic Bird Care & Advanced Bird Care (or our
combined standards of care class) , and Avian Nutrition
classes- as well as Foster Orientation.
These classes will help prepare you for some of the
challenges that rehabilitating companion parrots can present.
Besides the joy and satisfaction you will receive from helping
birds find their forever flock, all fosters are given first chance
at adoptions over other applicants. Please note however that
this does not equate to guaranteed adoptions.
So are you ready? Fill out your application today! A member of our Intake & Foster Committee will review your application and reach out to you are their earliest convenience. In the meantime, check out the events page to see the schedule for classes and get a jump start on the process.