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Bittersweet Goodbye

We have been fostering for about 2 years now and we have had some great birds come through our home, but none have had the impact of Tango and Sergio. These two majestic animals have been so fantastic, it is hard to put in words. We were kinda talked into taking them, but in all honestly they didn't have to talk real hard. We were interested in a new challenge and we had never fostered a macaw. These two need a home pretty quickly so we stepped up and will never regret that decision.

We knew they were special the minute we saw them. 2 hybrid macaws that don't even exist in nature. They took our breath away. These two settled into out home right away. The loved being in the outdoor aviary and looked forward to training every morning. Like macaws tend to be, these two were loud, but we learned to tune it out and in a few days they got better. They are still loud just not as often which is better in my opinion.

We were all a bit scared of them at first. Those beaks are big and strong. But we learned to read their signals, the key to any good bird relationship, and they came to understand what we wanted. By the end of the first week they were stepping up for all of us. Tango soon began to excel at training while Sergio wasn't as quick to catch on. He learned much better from Jamie though.

It has been almost exactly a month and today is our last day with Tango and Sergio. It going to be so tough to see them go, but go they must. They have an awesome home waiting for them complete with a huge indoor walking cage and massive outdoor aviary. They have a committed young owner with macaw experience to grow old with. They have a more rural setting to allow them to scream without upsetting the neighborhood. All things they deserve.

This hard, harder than the others, but this is why we foster. We foster to help the ones in need until they can find their forever homes. These guys finding theirs open up our cage for the next ones that need our help, and there is no shortage of those. To Tango and Sergio: Goodbye and I hope you live fantastic lives! Oh and don't forget: "ARRRUP? AROOO.........arooo.

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