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Writer's pictureJeremy P

Aviary Shower Station

Returned from Lowe's today with all the of the stuff to make a sprinkler shower in the aviary. I am kinda excited about this project because it will really give the birds a chance to bathe like they would in the wild... or at least as I imagine it.

I am building the shower from 1/4 OD poly tubing which is cheap and easy to use. I bought 50' of tubing an a few easy to use push-in fittings. I am going to try a Rainbird (nice name!) sprinkler as the shower end of the project. While I was there I found this great sprinkler timer for 1/2 off so I decided to get that as well. It will allow me to just put the shower on a timer so I don't have to turn it on and off myself.

The water connection is a 3/4in to 1/4OD compression fitting that will attach to the timer and the other end is a 1/2 screw on fitting to attach to the sprinkler head. I tried it out and while the pop-up sprinkler worked it wasn't ideal so I returned it and got a shrub Sprinkler head instead. It works much better and uses less water. Here are some videos of it in action:

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I am pretty pleased with the result though so far the birds seem less than impressed. I have one modification I want to make however. I want to replace the shrub sprinkler with a mister nozzle that makes a fine mist. Those nozzles use FAR less water for a similar effect but I have to get those online as they are not sold in stores around here.

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